Mr Cornwell, I have been reading your books for some years now, and I have only just ventured onto your site. I apologise. Your books are fantastic! I love history and your books seems to bring it to life so. I recently finished the Saxon stories, but feel I must ask, is there to be any follow on from the Sword Song?

Ian B

Mr Cornwell, I have read about three quarters of your books. But the series I have liked the best as do two of my friends are the Saxon stories but the lat one Sword Song has sort of left us hovering over the edge so to speak. If you had finnished the series with any of the others it would have been OK. But Sword Song it’s sort of finnished but not finnished even anothe chapter to roud it off would have been better. Is their anothe book in the pipe line to round The Saxon Stories off?
Pam Ellis