Hello Mr. Cornwell! I am 13 years old and I recently discovered your writing through Sword Song, and I am speechless, partly because (get this) I have never heard your name before, but mostly because I am astonished at your superior writing. I have a few questions about Sword Song, though. Before I ask them, I want you to know that I don’t mean to seem overwhelming. First of all, I have been suspecting that Sword Song is a sequel to one of your previous books. Is this true?

Second, is the “G” in Gisela’s name pronounced as a regular “G” or “J?”

Third, I am dying to know how you can trace your ancestry way back to the 9th century? I heard that “Beowulf” is 1/10 of the writing humans still have from that time period, so you must be one of the only people who can trace their ancestry so far back. Reed Malek