Mr. Cornwell — Just a quick note to say what incredible enjoyment I’ve gotten from reading the Sharpe series of books. I first heard of “Sharpe” on a BBC America commercial, eventually watched all the movies, and noticing that each was “Based on a story by Bernard Cornwell”, decided to pick one up at my local Barnes and Noble. Since that first purchase, I’ve purchased every Sharpe novel available (including Fury). I’m burning through them at a pace of about one book every 2-3 days. The bad thing being that soon, I’ll be finished with the series. The characters you’ve created are wonderful, and I wanted to express how much I am enjoying the series. Much to the detriment of other books I’ve purchased lately by Clive Cussler, or L.E. Modesitt, Jr. After finishing the Sharpe series, I think I’ll be exploring some of your other works as well. Again, thank you for the hours of enjoyment; and I’ll hope to see a new Sharpe book next year. If I might ask… I noticed in your FAQ that you mention that publisher’s tend to change the titles of some novels (Harlequin -> The Archer’s Tale). Are there any other differnces between the US and UK versions? Thank you. -Irving Gilbert

I love your books very much and am eagerly looking forward to the next Saxon novel. Why is it published so much earlier in England? Is there any actuall difference in the text? And why different covers in the US and UK – which do you prefer? Will we have the same US lag time for the next book in the series? Wonderful books – thank you very much.
Geoffrey DeWeese