Mr. Cornwell, Thank you once again for taking the time to answer my last letter about the intricacies of Research and Rewriting. I was enlightened. This time around, since my brain is fried by my own writing this morning, I thought I’d take a break to write you a few typical fan questions/comments- 1. On Amazon UK, a posted review states that “The Pale Horseman is the second book in Bernard Cornwell’s Grail Quest sequence” You might want to give them a ring to correct it as it may confuse newer readers. 2. Speaking of the Last Kingdom cycle, since you stated that you were almost finished the third book(of a projected 9 or 12), do you plan to write them straight through? Or are you going to break it up into sets of trilogies- with time off in between? 3. When are you going to find the time to write your Agincourt novel? It would seem like an irresistible topic for you. Unfortunately, Thomas of Hookton would be long dead, but maybe a descendant could carry his black bow, with the Yale emblazoned on it, to the wars just as Lassan carries Sharpe’s old calvary sword. Something to think about? Robert Kulb

Hello Mr Cornwell, this is my third time contacting you and I would just like to say that I am eagerly awaiting the Pale Horsemen. I have only one question in which to bother you with this time. I have been wondering for some time if you will write a book about the battle of Agincourt?… I think that it could definitely be a very good book that would be just up your lane :). Thank you for your time in responding and keep up the good work. James Butler