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Dear Mr Cornwell,

Just a brief message to say how much pleasure I am getting from reading your historically based books.

I read the Sharpe series many years ago but ‘bumped’ into the ‘Grail Quest’ trilogy at a garage sale and on impulse bought them, then left them to sit on my bookcase for a couple of years!

A couple of months ago I picked up ‘Harlequin’ and BANG! I was hooked line and sinker! Since then I have been working my way through the ‘Grail’, & ‘Warlord’ series, ‘Azincourt’, ‘1356’ and am now working through the ‘Saxon Series’. Bloody hell I love these books – all of them.

I started reading the ‘Saxon Series’ around the same time as I picked up a trapped nerve in my back, when all I could do was lie flat and read, and your books have kept me sane. Every single one of the above mentioned books are hard to put down once picked up, and, in one day alone I managed to read ‘The Lords of The North’ from cover to cover and then start on ‘Sword Song’! I have a very understanding wife as you may imagine!

Thank you very much for the many hours of pleasure you have given me and please keep writing such magnificent books. Your stories involving honourable, not so honourable, and strong warriors before the invention of gunpowder, when men were men and sheep trembled at the sound of a Welsh accent are my favourite! Only joking at the sheep bit!

Thank you once again and all the very best for 2013.

