Written by: M.M. Kaye

Submitted By: Maureen Walsh

Fascinating, detailed historical novel of the events leading up to and including the 1857 Indian Mutiny (Sepoy Rebellion). A little heavy on backstory and exposition in the first 5 chapters (not included in the original 1956 issue of the book), but helpful in understanding the intricate historical and personal events that play out later on. The purchase system that is such a thorn in Sharpe's side contributes to the spectacular ineptitude on the part of Britain's commanders in India, with such notable exceptions as Sir Colin Campbell--one of the rising stars of Sharpe's Triumph--riding to the rescue. M.M. Kaye knows both India and the British military and her main characters reflect the diversity and conflicting loyalties of Anglo-Indian society. The Far Pavilions by the same author starts with the Mutiny and follows different characters through the debacle of the Second Afghan War. Huge, interesting cast of characters and locations throughout British India and its neighbors.