Bulletin Board


Dear Mr. Cornwell I just got done with the Arthur series. You really know how to bring a man close to tears. You are truly the best writer in my book. Look forward to reading more of your books. Ian


Dear Bernard-forgive the address,I feel we have known each other for years and years,having read, re-read, seen and re-seen TV Sharpe for ever and ever. I believe you owe us at least one more Sharpe novel-that of joining the 95th Rifles on his return to England from India!-I'm sure your creative mind is up to this even if it is total fiction, although I am certain you would find a great deal of fact to weave into the story line Once again many thanks for so much informative reading. Kind regards Jeff Huntingdon


I'll keep that in mind!


Mr. Cornwell, Several years ago I read several of your books in the Sharpe series, and I really enjoyed them, especially as I was studying British colonialism in university then. Well, recently I purchased your novel The Last Kingdom on amazon.com and I loved it! The characters are outstanding and I love their odd quirks and historical accuracy. I look forward to your next novel in this series. In short, keep up the great work! Allan


Having watched all the Sharpe series on tv i have now started to read the books. Just want to say what a fantastic character that Hakeswill is 'Can't die Sharpie, I can't die'. Thanks very much. DV.


Hello Mr. Cornwell. I have been reading your books for quite some time and found them incredibly interesting considering the unit I parade with in Canada (The Royal Regina Rifles) are the sister regiment of the 95th. I can't wait to finish the series and please do not stop writing about Sharpe because I know I'll want to read more about him when I'm finished (or possibly Harper). Up the johns! Cpl. Makie


Your historical novels are, I am sure, first class, but please let us have another contemporary sailing story along the lines of "Stormchild". Brian


Click on the link for 'The Thrillers' in the Select a Book Series box to your right to see the titles of the other contemporary sailing stories. I hope you'll enjoy them all!


Hello, I really loved the Warlord chronicles. Since I was a little girl I have loved the Arthurian legend and your book bought it all to life for me. Derfel is such a great character, and I loved the way you portrayed Lancelot. You have a way of writing that makes me feel as though I am in the shield wall with Derfel!! Thank you so much. Josie


your number 1 Sharpe fan in Australia, love all your books. Gary Majewski


Dear Mr. Cornwell, After a friend turned me on to the Grail Quest series I couldn't stand it, I had to have more. Returned the favor by getting him hooked on the Starbuck Chronicles, then had to loan him the Crowning Mercy and Gallows Thief (sorry, you lost a sale on those). Had put off starting the Sharpe series, but what a mistake that was. Just finishing Sharpe's Sword and think the only one I've missed is Havoc. In a way they're like a soap opera in that you can miss huge chunks of it but catch right up in a few pages. Already have Stonehenge and The Scoundrel in my "to read" pile if I can pry myself away from Richard and Patrick for a couple of weeks. Thank you for these wonderful series and I look forward to contributing to your royalty checks for some time to come. Steve Thomas


Mr. Cornwell, Two of the earliest in the Sharpe series, Sharpes Devil and A Crowning Mercy are the only books left that I have not read. The journey is almost over and I am depressed knowing I will have to wait for your works. I read one of your fan letters back 4 months ago and was disappointed when you expressed a desire to continue the Sharpe series at the expense of the Nathaniel Starbuck series. I study the American Civil War (hobby) and was delighted to be taken on that glorious ride with Nathaniel and all of his associates. My 1st Sharpe book was the Rifles and within minutes I was a prisoner to the series. Your research for Sharpes' Armies shows me the influence those armies had on the Union and Confederate Armies. The plots you contrive are only equaled by the characters you develop. From the redcoat Sam, the loyal Derfel, tenacious Thomas and of course Richard to their most wicked and vile enemies like Hakeswell, Lancelot and von Rellsteb, your style and consistency has few equals. I am involved in a Civil War posts where certain aspects of the western theater are debated by e-mail(at your own time). Very enlightening as to opinions and info from CW scholars and hobbyists.If your interested, just asks. Stay healthy,stay away from moving trees and don't go to the Keys. Respectfully, John Hooper