Bulletin Board


I have been a great fan of the Sharpe books since I picked up my first copy of Sharpe's Eagle back 20 or so years ago. What I am writing is a reply to one of the bulletin board questions from Ben Laird from my home country of convicts, Australia. He enquired abut the Sharpe dvds, they are only avaliable in Auatralia as far as I know on ebay. I hope that is of some help. Eddy


Many thanks Eddy. I hope it does help.


Dear Mr. Cornwell: In a February 22 posting, Lewis asked you if you knew of any good fiction set during the American Revolution. You replied that, aside from Redcoat, you could not think of any. I would like to commend to Lewis a wonderful author from the previous generation, Kenneth Roberts. His novels are set during the period stretching from the French & Indian War through the American Revolution to the War of 1812. Among the best are "Northwest Passage", "Rabble in Arms", "Arundel", and "Oliver Wiswell." These and Robert's other novels should provide Lewis with many hours of reading enjoyment. Alan Kempner


Thanks for the suggestions Alan.


Dear Mr. Cornwell, To me you are the best historic writer that ever lived. Compared to other books that I have read from different authors you always seem to float at the top of my mind as the best author. I hope that you write your heart out and bring your fans more great books. Thank you for the reading experience! Matthew Monroe


Bernard, I am a voracious reader. After finishing Hugo's 'Toiler of the sea', I was in a trance and was reluctant to start any other book withing few days. I happenned to came across your 'Herectic' the day after I finished Hugo. Very very shortly I am swept away and can't stop thinking about Thomas of Hookton or Planchard. I haven't finished it yet, but I am pleased that I came across your book. I even gifted two of your books (without reading) to one of my friends. I am proud to live on this earth with you.
Monish Sengupta


I am an over the road truckdriver and watch the rental racks at the truck stops for the Sharpe series. I have read [in this order] kSharpe's Tiger, Sharpe's Revenge, and Sharpe's Enemy. Enjoyed all three very, very much. Sharpe's Enemy is so far my favorite, the ending of it left me in pain and sympathy for not only Richard Sharpe but for Pvt. Hakeswill as well. kA tormented soul who anesthesized his own pain with the suffering of others, but a victim himself nontheless. I look forward to discovering more volumes as I travel the U.S. Thank you for the joy you bring to me. Stephen Vermillion


Just finished your latest book "The Last Kingdom". Another great story! I hope this does not mean I have to wait a year for another one.
Jack Chomko


At the weekend I heard you on Desert Island Discs and was struck by the forthright and painfully frank account of your adoption. I simply wanted to thank you for that as a fellow adoptee, and also one who didn't have the rose-tinted upbringing so many seem to have had - or as portrayed on television programmes. I do find the whole subject slanted towards the adoptive parents and how they feel about it all, and their sadness at not being able to have children of their own. This was my experience, and even now, my mother doesn't appear to quite understand that I was the other part of the equation; indeed she recently went to her monthly Thursday Group, in which they had a woman speaker who'd been adopted and she gave 'a talk on how wonderful it was, and what a sacrifice adoptive parents make when they choose a child and how lucky the child is to be chosen!' The strangest thing was that my mother related all this to me as if I were a disinterested observer. Anyway, sorry to go on. I write too, two and a half novels to date circling the ether looking for a safe place to land. Thanks for listening Bernard and I admit I haven't read your stuff, but will now. Jacqui


Dear Mr Cornwall: I've just heard the 'Desert Island Discs' programme (re-brodcast today, February 20th) and have to say what an impression you made on me! I'm also a war baby (a year older than you) but by no means as successful! How I'd love to be an author but, while I enjoy writing, that confleunce of events or non-events never happended in my life and I ended up a husband and father...so am all the more impressed by your success! And your own eventful life - I will now go out and buy your biography! Best wishes, Mike Abbott


Dear Mr. Cornwell I have just finished your trilogy about the Archer from Hookton. As well written as I have ever read. I really could not put the books down. This has only occured to me from two other authors. I read about 30 books per year. I'm looking forward to starting on your Sharpe's series. Again, Thanks for your skill. Respectfully, Bill Ballentine


Hello again Mr Cornwell, I've been a long time fan of your books and wanted to thank you for writing the Last Kingdom. I've read the warlord trilogy over and over again these last 7-8 years and I'm glad you kept the same style of writing for the Last Kingdom. I'm a fan of the Sharpe novels as I served in the Royal Green Jackets when I left school. But you have always fired my intreast in history. I live in the USA now and I'm now kicking myself that I never visited Wantage more which has a big statue of Alfred. I lived just down the road from it as I'm from Oxford. Thanks again Mr. Cornwell. All my best to you and your family. Please keep those books coming. Yours gratefully, Christopher Bishop