Bulletin Board


Mr. Cornwell, I am Assistant Store Manager at a Barnes & Noble in Iowa, and have just had the pleasure of reading an advance of Last Kingdom. Wonderful! I had long hoped you would do a Viking Era story. It was worth the wait! I will recommend it to all my customers looking for historical fiction. My favorite works of yours are the Grail Quest series, so as you can see I love the Dark Ages/medieval stuff. Keep up the great work! Sincerely, Steve Olsson


Thank you Steve, I appreciate the recommendations.


Dear Bernard, I love your books. I think I've read about all of them. I'm a big reader of historical fiction, among other things, and you are my favorite. I am also a big fan of Kenneth Roberts, who did a wonderful job of capturing colonial New England. I love his characterization of Benedict Arnold. And like you, he wasn't afraid of a good plot. I enjoyed the Globe article today (12-23). It had a lot of interesting detail. I can't wait to read your new series. It was fun to hear that you enjoy the Flashman series...they are such a kick. Keep up the good work. And don't be overly cautious about taking on American icons, that's where the fun is. So go ahead & write that book about the battle at Castine. All the best and Merry Christmas, Neil Cronin, Exeter, N.H.


Thanks Neil - and Merry Christmas to you.


I just read the article about you in the Boston Globe. I was lucky enough to live in England for 4 years (97-01) and as such was already familiar with your work. I was chatting with a fellow father on the way to our son's football match and the subject turned to books. He mentioned he had just heard you speak and recommended your Starbucks Chronicles. My interest piqued, I asked a few more questions and was surprised to find that you were British (given the subject matter of the Starbucks Chronicles). To get to the point - I enjoyed the Starbucks Chronicles immensely and only after exhausting them did I turn to the Sharpe Series, and even then only with some trepidation not having much interest in Britain's long history of Colonialism. I will admit that I did enjoy them but I have to say that after 8 or 10 of them my interest has wained. If you are truly interested in increasing your local readership I would respectfully submit that you may get more local interest in a continuation of the Starbucks Chronicles. I know I would enjoy it. Good luck and best wishes for a pleasant holiday season. Cheers, Phil Giguere


Greetings, I have just finished 'The Warlord Chronicle' and felt the urge to write you this letter of warm compliments. These three books were wonderfully written and I couldn't let go of them, the tale captures the reader and takes his mind away from his daily-life and puts him in the mysterious Anglo-Saxon England. Though I am from far-away Israel, I like the northern-Europe and England's History and Mythology very much (probably Tolkien's influence) and read many Arthurian legends of many versions but I never felt such a great deep feeling of truth in them till I have read your books, meaning that if indeed there was an Arthur, he was as you wrote he was, for you described the ways of life and culture of these days brilliantly and no doubt made a serious research on the subject, and many may learn much of it from your books. Another issue I must write about is your knowledge of warfare; I'm also a great fan of war-history of the medieval age and the Roman period, and read much of this matter, and your battles telling are amazing! I felt as I was in the Shield-wall myself facing the horror of war, and these battles are also written in a way that it is comfortable to understand the battle development through the fighting. When a story emotionally moves me so I can write much about it, so I hope that this letter filled this purpose, for truly you deserve these compliments and probably got many more of this kind. I'm myself am twenty years old and serve in the Israeli army in these days (though not as a combat-soldier in Gaza because of an annoying medical problem) and dream of a long trip in Britain after the end of my service (in eight months) and your books also certainly encouraged me to walk the beautiful views of this land and explore her history. And be sure that I will read more books of yours... :) May the stars shine upon your path ! Tal Katz


Thank you for your many kind words.


My 14 year old son had got out of the habit of reading, but I managed to persuade him to try Sharpe. He enjoyed all the volumes he could find and when he ran out I gave him my grail series to read. Those were devoured even more quickly. Thank you for writing such great books that even a reluctant school boy becomes an addict! It also means that at last I have someone else at home to discuss books with... Jane Hatch


I have enjoyed all of your books. Is it possible for you to send me on a signed bookplate? Kind regards and a happy New Year! Sean Parsons


I'd be happy to send you one. Get back to me with your postal address and we'll send it out to you.


Hi, my name is Matthew Griffiths, I have always wanted to tell you how brilliant I think Sharpe is! I am 15 at this time, coming up 16 in January. I first heard of Sharpe when it was first on television in 1994. Although I was only 5 at that time I still watched it with my family. I loved it! so I bought the complete series on dvd and I even bought all of the books, even though I don't read much, ha ha. but I have always wanted to show my appreciation for the invention of what I think is the best novel and television drama ever! so thankyou very much, I"m glad I have finally managed to contact you after all this time. thankyou for reading this. Matt


Thank you for your very kind message Matt. Have a happy birthday in January!


Dear Bernard, I have now read everything I can of yours and am reduced to trying other authors who write on the same genre. But every other author I've tried, although most are readable, are disappointing when compared to you. Can't you write faster? Merry Xmas and a happy new year. Ed


I'll try!


I'd like to thank all concerned for posting the link to our message board at www.hookton.com - we had quite a few new members as a result, but we need more. We talk about all Bernard's books on the site - and about all sorts of other things as well. Come and join us. Tony Blackwell


Thank you sir for all the books I have read. Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year to you and your family. Steven Pritchard


Thank you - and happy Christmas to you!