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Just finished reading all three of the Grail books. Absolutely fantastic! I am about to start on the Sharpe books now. I found them very well researched...BUT...on page 78 of the paperback edition of Harlequin I found "and her [Jeanette's] right shoulder was bruised because of it [shooting her crossbow]". I am sorry to have to annoy you by airing my knowledge, but as a physicist and sometime arblaster, I can tell you that, unlike a firearm, a crossbow (and a bow) recoils forwards. Having said that, I don't think many readers will notice! Hope there are some more Thomas of Hookton books to come. Gerry


They'll notice now you've told them! Thank you! I'm sure you're right so I think I'll avoid crossbows in future.


I love the Sharpe books and the Grail Quest books, the latter which I have just read were excellent, I think we are still trying to make sense of history and what it can teach us and this rich source of entertainment and education has been adapted by you with accuracy and excitement, thank you for providing me with hours of pleasure. Peter Harvey


Dear Mr. Cornwell, I read all your books and I am desperately awaiting some further episodes of the Starbuck chronciles - it has been an extremely long time since the last episode. I have read your reply to a fellow reader on the same question and I can only add my request that it won't be too long. Thanks Gary


Dear Mr Cornwell, I have read almost all of your Sharpe books and would congratulate you on the massive extent of research you do on the various military topics. In my opinion you are the best author I have come into contact with for a long time. Please keep up the good work- I shall be looking at some of your other titles and wonder if any other ones are comparable to the Sharpe series regarding military events, best wishes-D.H.


Hello Mr Cornwell. Your books really enhanced my interest in medieval times. I've read the Warlord Chronicles, and the Grail Quest Series (And even Stonehenge - though it's not set in the middle ages I like it as well) One feels swept away into the past when he reads your tales. I love the characters you create - Derfel, Ceinwyn, Thomas, and Robbie. What I particularly enjoy are the battle descriptions, especially the sense of randomness and detail of sword moves and emotions the characters go through. So intense, so real. Thanks for such wonderful stories. Andreas Azzopardi


Thanks for your message.


Mr Cornwell, only found out your site today and I just wanted to say that I can't get enough of your Sharpe series. I devour each new book in around 2 days and impatiently :) wait for the next one to hit the shelves. I'm currently re-reading Sharpe's Gold again for the 3rd time whilst I await your new one in April. Keep up the good work and please write more regularly :) The Sharpe novels I mean. Gary Walsh


Dear Sir, Don't really have a question, just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your books! Have read several, including the warlord chronicles, and am just starting the fourth installment of the Starbuck series. Anxiously awaiting the fifth! Sincerely, Dave Zimmer


Bernard, Just a quick note to let you know how much I enjoy reading your books. I've been particularly enjoying the Sharpe's series (have read almost all) with their factual basis. Keep up the excellent work! Kind regards Peter Foley


Just wondering when there will be another book in the Newgate series? I really enjoyed Gallows Thief! David Viner


I don't know, but it won't be this year.


Please write at least one more book to the Arthur series. I so enjoyed that series and would love to read more on Derfel & Arthur's son. I would enjoy reading another book by you that covers the remaining years between Camlann and Derfel "writing" the history of Arthur. Jane Barry


Sorry, no plans for that.