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I have just finished reading an advanced reader copy of The Pale Horseman. My breath is just now coming back and I am anxiously awaiting the next book! I read it non-stop until I was done. Sir, you have once again wildly succeeded! This novel is as good as The Last Kingdom. Uhtred has to be one of my favorite fictional characters of all time. It helps that I too am a modern day Heathen and feel Uhtreds passions. My one request is that you -please- do not convert Uhtred to Christianity! It will simply ruin the story for me and others like me. If Uhtred is to die, then he should die a Heathen warrior and go to Valholl. However, congratualtions are in order for a fine, entertaining work Mr Cornwell. Thank you very much! Cory Wilson


My Wife & I enjoy your books very much. I come from a village called Horn St which is close to Shorncliffe Camp. As a boy I used to play around the camp before, during & after the war. We used to go into the many Martello Towers in the area. Once while playing in thick woodland I came across a bronze cannon complete with cannon balls left untouched since Napoleonic Times. I thought it would make a good story line about the attempted invasion of Britain featuring the Towers & the Royal Hythe Military Canal. Regards: Tom Lee


As alternative history, do you mean? It's an intriguing thought, but I'm not partial to alternative history so I suspect someone else must do it!


As a medievalist (writing doctoral dissertation) and recent returnee from a trip to northern England, I am currently reading and enjoying your "The Last Kingdom," which I received as a Christmas present. It appears to be very carefully researched, and I like the borrowings from Old English poetry. On the subject of Old English, I did notice a couple of things you might wish to correct for the next printing. The letter you describe as a "thorn" on p. 93 (the crossed uncial "d")is actually an eth. The thorn is the Old English letter that looks like a thorn. And the nominative of the word for "shadow-walker" is "sceadugenga," not "sceadugengan" as you have it. Check out line 703 of "Beowulf" concerning Grendel the "sceadugenga" (one of my favorite words in Old English, by the way). Charlotte Allen


Many thanks! I thought I'd used sceadugengan only in the plural - evidently not - but in the new book I do use the sceadugenga form and, quite by coincidence, use line 703 of Beowulf as the epigraph of the book! Thanks again


Dear Mr. Cornwell, just wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed your books, and why. Travelling to England for a conference, I had a few pounds to spend before going home (DO hate to just hand money over to the bankers for the exchange rates, don't you?), so picked up a few of your books (the first three in the Grail series and the first one about the Danish invasions of England). Am ever so glad that I did, and now am looking forward to hunting down the "Pale Horseman," as well as the ones about England before the Danish invasions. Good battle scenes, not too long, but also healthy reminders of the horrors of war, and particularly refreshing is your ability to tear the curtain of time, so that it seems that the things are happening today, and that we could meet these people on our streets (sometimes, hoping not to!). Not an easy task: presenting how things were in the past, while making them seem present. Am enjoying your stories and the characters that you create. Thank you, and have a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year! (no need to write back, just wanted to say thanks). Star Meyer


Mr Cornwell - I've long been a fan of the Sharpe series, and then also a fan of the Grail series, so on receiving a book token for Xmas this year, I went to my local shop and lo and behold saw The Last Kingdom - and I'm now a great fan of Uhtred, and was overjoyed to see there is already a sequel available! Thank you very much from one very contented amateur historian and have a very happy new year!!! Ed Casey


Mr Cornwell, this point has clearly been put to you many times but I would like to do so again! The Starbuck Chronicles are an excellent read, just finished my second read-through this evening and would like to add my voice to the many, requesting further stories in the series. Nate just has to catch up with Billy Blythe! I have visited Antietam, your description of the battle combines with my memories and pictures amazingly well. Gettysburg and the siege of Richmond are surely waiting for your pen! Many thanks for all the pleasure that I gain from your novels, I am a Sharpe fan too but Starbuck gets my vote! Happy New Year, Joe Taylor

Dear Mr. Cornwell: I very much enjoyed reading the Starbuck Chronicles. In fact, I have read the series several times. I would very much appreciate it if you could continue the series. The last book ends while much of the American Civil War is yet to be fought. You do such an excellent job of writing about American history. By the way, I also loved Redcoat. Great work. Please keep it up. Best regards, George Bowman P.S. My family is from the Lake District. I have great respect for British people!

I am a big fan of your all books. I love the kGallows Thief and think this has the potential to develop into an excellent series, with the wealth of characters you have devised. I am sure that you have already thought of this, but Sharpe is to lucrative, I dont blame you, money is money after all, and while your books are a pleasure to me thay are a livelyhood to you. I also want to join the throng of people who want another Starbuck book. Please go back to him, thanks Michael


I think when Sharpe finally lays down his rifle I'll go back to Starbuck.


Firstly Happy New year to you and your family. This is just a quick note to thank you for the many hours of enjoyment you have given me over the last few years. I found an old copy of Sharpe's Tiger and since then I have been hooked, not only on Sharpe but afterwards on the whole ranges of wonderful characters. I have finished the Pale Horseman and can not wait for the next book. Thank you once again. Kind Regards Ian P.S. Please release another Grail Quest Book! Absolute class!!!!


I love your books, buy them in English cause I don't seem to find a dutch publisher in Holland (what happened to Meulhof-publishers?). What I really want to say to you is::::::you should approach agents to have the 'Warlord Chronicles' made into movies(Peter Jackson!!!!!), cause they would rock, in the same line like the LOTR films,a 3 part trilogy!!!!!!! That would be Awesome! With kind regards P.Hartog-Rotterdam


Thanks - I'd love to see the films made, but it would probably be too expensive. I'm not sure about the Dutch publisher, but I'll see what I can find out.


Dear Mr Cormwell, I only just started reading your books after seeing your comment on the back of one of the books of the emperor series (another book of historical fiction). Once I did start reading I was hooked and have been reading your books for the better part of the year. After starting with the saxon series I was pointed onto the Sharpe series by a classmate. Sadly, I am now stranded in Austria for the winter and have run out of books. Well anyway, I just wanted to thank you for writing some of the best books which I have ever read. So thankyou, - Paul Boles p.s. does the surname Fergeson mean anything to you?


Thanks for your message. Fergeson? I'm not sure - should it?


Hi Bernard!!!! My Name is Paul(Paulo) I'm Brazilian, I work in a library, I am a seller of books, you are my favorite author, and your books are a success in my country!!! the Sharpe's history yet four books in my country..unfortunately.... the Arthur books and the Grail series are a big success. Sorry but my english is not too good. a big hug...from a big fan.. Paulo Machado Cruz Junior. (My city is Sao Paulo)