Your Questions


Dear Mr Cornwell, I'm a huge fan and I was just wondering about 'snuff'. The officers of Sharpe's time appear to have loved the stuff. What was it? Is it similar to any modern drug? Thanks your for hours of joy. Lee from Australia


You can still buy it! It's nothing but powdered tobacco. In the States the term seems to be used mainly for tobacco taken orally (i.e. kept in the mouth), but in Britain it was always sniffed. Wilsons of Sharrow Mills in Sheffield still produce it (as do Fribourg and Treyer), and it's a splendid alternative to smoking, especially on long flights. It also defeats the health Nazis who are so intent on eradicating our pleasures. The tobacco is often scented or otherwise flavoured, but essentially it's tobacco stems dried and powdered.


Dear Mr Cornwell, I've been a great fan of your books, particularly the Sharpe series, ever since I was a child and read my dad's well-thumbed copies. I recently read Richard Holmes's excellent "Redcoat", a book it seems from the quotes plastered prominently across the edition I had that you yourself enjoyed. After reading it, and doing some other background reading, I wondered whether you have ever been tempted to have Sharpe meet, however briefly, that most fascinating of Napoleonic War heroes, Harry Smith? He seems to have truly led a life you yourself could have written, and I was curious as to whether you'd ever considered giving him a guest appearance. (Of course, some of the Sharpe books I last read some years ago now and the details have faded a little, so if Smith has actually had a cameo somewhere in the series already I apologise for my forgetfulness!) All good wishes, Paul Hayes Norwich


I wrote the Sharpe books (or a lot of them) some years ago and the details have faded a lot! I have a half idea that Smith does make an appearance, but forgive me if I don't rake through the books to find out. He deserves it, of course, and maybe he can make another. Thanks.


Hello Mr. Cornwell, I am making my way through the Sharpe series and wondered if there was such a thing as a Sharpe's battle map depicting all the battle sites in the books any idea ? I am up to "Fury" and I don't recollect what happened to the Tippoo's jewels , did I miss something ?? Thanks for your time. David.


There's none by me! Though, of course, every book has its own map. The only book that has the maps is The Sharpe Companion, by Mark Adkin, which is published in the UK by HarperCollins. I'm not sure if the newest edition has the coverage of the last two Sharpe books, but it has virtually everything!

Did you read Sharpe's Prey? The answer to the question about the jewels is in there.


There exist few writers who could do justice to a story surrounding either Godefroi de Bouillon or Hugues de Payens. I hope the muses feel fit to inspire you on such! Daniel Edward PIOTROWSKI


Well, the muses are very fickle, but I've fed them the names and we'll see whether they dance or not!


Dear Bernard may I just say thanks very much for the saxon stories, I discovered them by chance in a book store in phnomm phenn, cambodia, while on a trip to ankhor wat.After already reading Sharp,Stonehenge,the Warlord Chronicles & the grail quest. I think these are your best books to date,however i am a bit biased being descended from a danish/saxon family in lincolnshire myself(c.800).Its also quite amazing for me to read these book as I'm married to a beautiful lady from dorchester and we have lived in dorset for the last 27 years. Reading these book for me is like a journey thru all the places i know & love.very surreal while sat on the beach in koh samet thailand. Thanks Again Bernard keep up the GOOD work. p.s. when is the next book about Uhtred due for release please. p.p.s. any chance of a story about harold godwinson. p.p.p.s. any chance of a tv series or even a film about Uhtred's life.
rob doughty

I have just finished reading The Saxon stories and have thoroughly enjoyed them. These books were passed to me by my mother and we are sharing them with other family members as they were such a fantastic, gripping read. When will the next instalment to this thrilling tale be coming out? I look forward to your reply Jo Thomas


Thank you! The fourth book of the Saxon stories should be available in October.

Harold Godwinson? Probably not. I've never found any great fascination there . . . and to write novels you really need to start with an obsession, or at least a fascination, about the period or character. No tv series or film plans at the moment.


Dear Mr.Cornwell,I get an enormous amount of pleasure from your books and I thank you for that, alas my eyesight is not all that good and I have to depend on "audio books" I am 2/3 of the way through the Arthur series,and would love to be able to sort out the places in my mind,are there any maps you could suggest,as I could manage with a large magnifying glass? Sincerely, Ian White


I wish I knew of any! I don't! Can you locate a photo-copier that has a magnification facility? I know they exist, and one of our local 'pack-and-ship' stores has one . . . then you could ask them to enlarge the maps in the novels? This is probably not very helpful, but best I can think of . . . or maybe you can scan the maps into your computer and print them enlarged? Or maybe someone reading this has a better idea?


Dear Bernard, With the recent publication of a book on why the UK is to blame for all the worlds troubles and should pay compensation for things from Gulags to Vietnam I was just curious if you had read it and what your opinion of it was????

In regards to the next Sharpe I hope this does not prejudice you either way but I have to ask will it be Albuera I doubt I exaggerate when that seems to be the battle most Sharpe fans would love to see Sharpe get to (bad for Sharpe though I guess).

And there has recently been some query on the battle of Monmouth on whether it was a US win (stood there ground) and British win (rearguard saved the bulk of the army and wagon train) or simply a draw I wondered what you thought and whether you will ever write about it??

Finally could Uthred find himself up against the Scots in the next one?? Yours sincerely Tony


I haven't read it, no, and I probably won't, but I thoroughly agree with the idea, just so long as it is expanded. The UK should pay compensation for all the ill-effects of it's history, but then so should everyone else, and the Brits could then sue the Romans, the Danes and various other people, for the slaves taken from Britain. At the same time the rest of the world should pay the Brits for the rule of law, parliamentary democracy and the introduction of cricket, football and rugby. Shakespeare is widely enjoyed, so I think they should pay for him too. On balance Britain will end up a lot richer, so I'm all for the idea, even though it is espoused by idiots, and only so long as it is applied fairly.

I honestly won't know til I get closer to writing the next Sharpe.

It really depends on which side you are. I'd vote for a draw, and don't think I'll write about it. The same clash of judgments is quite common; after all the French inscribed Fuentes de Onoro on the Arc de Triomphe as a French 'victory', which is stretching it a bit (like a lot), but it provides amusement. And remember that more than one general has turned a defeat, or at least a vicious draw, into a victory by writing the despatch imaginatively.

He's bound to get there in the end, but on the whole the series will run from south to north (that's not an inviolable rule) so the Scots will probably feature more prominently in later novels.


I loved your book because it was told through the 'losers' perspective (Danes) and we all know that history is recorded by the winners (Saxons - usurpers themselves). I am anxiously awaiting the next book, please hurry! My passion is genealogy and I have completed over 80 generations through the Saxon and Scandinavian lines. I am descended through both Alfred and Ragnor Lodbrock. Their blood finally comes together in 1072 with the birth of Matilda Huntingdon, daughter of Judith De Lens (descended from Ragnor and the wife of David the Saint, King of Scotland)and Waltheof Earl Northumbria (descended from Ragnor). Waltheof was also in the room when McBeth was killed (imagine that). But Judith ensured she betrayed her husband to her uncle, William the Conqueror for treason and he suffered an early death himself. And that is not a plot suggestion, just history. I hope you will include Ragnor's son Sigurd Snake Eye (724), grandson Hardeknut (814), great-grandson Harold Bluetooth (935 )and great-great grandson Svein Forkbeard(965)in your tales. At least come up with a colorful explanation of their names. Hurry up and write - I am suffering anxiety! Vicky M Dixon


Wow! The names are wonderful! And if you're descended from Waltheof then you and I are distant cousins, so welcome to the family. All the history is so vague, though. I'm fascinated that Waltheof was in the room when Macbeth was killed - I did a lot of research on Macbeth last year and discovered, among many shadowy things, that he was probably A Good Guy, but one constant seemed to be the suggestion that he was killed in battle at Lumphanan in 1057. Which might have happened in a room, of course . . . but it's all part of the extraordinarily slippery nature of the history of Britain before the mediaeval period.


Dear Mr. Cornwell, As a reader of your books over a decade or two, I was delighted to find one of your books in a second hand bookshp on Sanibel Island. The proprietor had met you in the States somewhere, and she mentioned that the ending of one of your earlier books was different in the US version ( a happier ending). Has this happened since? Are there any subtle differences between the UK and US versions? ( and when does Uhtred ride again?)
Dr. Chris Pearson


Is that true? I have a half memory that I was asked to add a page to an American edition and, being venal, I did, so it is probably true, but I completely forget which book it was. Other than that the only subtle differences are that the Americans use US spelling. The unsubtle difference is when they change the title, which drives me mad, but there's very little I can do about it other than resort to Jameson whiskey.


Dear Bernard Cornwell, I am a big fan of your Arthur trilogy and Stonehenge. I have read them many times and Im going to start reading the other books quickly. My question was:are you coming to Holland to sign books anytime? from Bart Brouwers


Sorry Bart, I don't have plans to be in Holland any time soon for a book signing.