Your Questions


Hi Bernard, Just wondering if you have any plans to see the cricket world cup as it's in the Windies this year? Also as Sharpe is a demon bowler would you consider a couple of chapters with Shape involved in a cricketmatch against an agtagonistic officer's team, another triumph for "Sharpie" one hopes. Lee


I'd love to go, but not sure it'll happen this year. Sharpe? It's a thought . . . and I'll think it . . . but again, no promises!


Sir, I am finding the Saxon stories an excellent read and as enjoyable as the Sharpe books. I would be fascinated by your thoughts on the prowess of the various armies through the ages of the British Isles. Rightly or wrongly I always feel the Romans were a superb fighting army and often wonder atw what stage in our history that there is a comparable army to their prowess. For instance would the Saxon armies be able to cope with a Romand Army or indeed would the armies of the English Civil wars even with gunpowder be able to resist ? Alec Davis


God knows! Um, not really qualified for that sort of quiestion! Certainly Roman discipline and logistics were superb and gave them an enormous edge. I wouldn't want to fight them Nor would I fancy opposing Cromwell's Ironsides. I guess the answer is whatever you want it to be!


Bernard, I heard your interview on BBC radio before Christmas and decided to try out the Arthur series. Not sure of what to expect, it was a real eye opener for me! To read a totally different and yet realistic interpretation of the Arthur legend was like a breath of fresh air. Now I'm up to date with the Saxon stories and, like everyone else, I am looking forward to the next installment. What is it that draws you to the dark ages? The brutality of this period in our history or the fact we have so little of the 'real' stories from this period. It would be really interesting to hear if you had any ideas to undertake a similiar project about 11th century England and the Norman conquest. Dean Tams


Because so much of our history was forged there, and to understand Britain I think you need to know what preceded 1066! And certainly the Saxon period was enormously formative of England . . . and it seems to be forgotten.

I've thought of the Normans, but it's not likely to happen any time soon.


Dear Mr Cornwall, My names is Jordan Bishop and im 14 years old. I am a huge fan of the Sharpe books and i have just finished reading the entire series start to finish, so far. Sharpe is such a hero to me and since i got Sharpe's Eagle a couple of years ago i havn't put the books down. I have to say my favourite book is Sharpe's Enemy even though it included the death of Hakeswill. I'm sure you get asked this all the time but it would be a great honour if in one of your next Sharpe books you could name a character after me. I look forward to reading your future works. Regards, Jordan Bishop


You'll go on the list! But it's a long long one! And no promises, sorry!


Dear Mr Cornwell,I´ve just got two quick questions to ask and would be pleased if you took the time to answer them for me.Firstly do you enjoy bringing characters to life in the newer Sharpe books that were only to been seen in the TV series originaly? i.e Harris and Perkins.

Secondly,what do you think of the TV writers killing of Richard's wife Lucille in such an off handed way in Challenge? I for one enjoy the addition of the TV characters and hope they appear in future books.As for Lucille I will stick to the story line of the books and wish Richard a long and happy life with his family in France after returning there from Chile.Although an adventure or two with patrick and maybe their sons would be a welcome book(although I know that you don´t have any plans in this direction,I can still dream) Thank you very much for taking the time to read this and I wish you all the best. Anthony Lambert,Bielefeld Germany.


Yes, and it seems a useful thing to do as so many people have met them through the series.

Lucille is alive! I have no control over the TV scripts - so you can ignore any developments that are not in the books!


I have just been researching books to with King Arthur for a website I am creating and was adding a link to Amazon for amongst other Excalibur. When I looked for the link to I noticed they had Excalibur listed in a way strange to me: namely Excalibur : roman arthurien (Paperback) and written by yourself and Pierre-Emmanuel Dauzat. Did he co write this with you? Do you write under another pseudionym? or is this information on amazon incorrect? The UK amazon site does not mention this alternate title and author. I'm confused.
Andrew Moore


I took a look at the page you are referring to and this is a listing for the French translation of the book Excalibur. Pierre-Emmanuel Dauzat is the French translator. Take another look at the page and you will see that there is a link on it to the American/English edition as well.


Hi Mr. Cornwell. Firstly I wanted to say I have read pretty much all of your portfolio and for me the Warlord Chronicles are simply the best books I have read! Whenever I can I recommend them to whoever will listen. My question is, in the Starbuck Chronicles one of the highlights was Sharpe's son appearing, have you considered writing some stories about him as he joined the book already battle hardened and I feel his tale would make for a great series. Lee Goodwin

Firstly I'd like to start with two simple words.... THANK YOU! I fell in love with the Sharpe TV series in my youth and decided that with all TV and movie converts, the Books must be better! You didn't disappoint. I have read them all on many an occasion. (I'V had to replace a couple of my favorite books due to over reading). Having enjoyed your work with the Sharpe series I found it natural to pick up the Starbuck chronicles, Again most impressed. Are you planning on writing any more to the Starbuck series? And are you planning on writing about the adventures of Patrick Lassan? Taking us nicely from Sharpe and Lucille's farm in Normandy to Starbucks battlefields. Thank you for broadening my passion for history and keep up the good work. All the best to you. James May


There will be more Starbuck, but I don't know when. Patrick Lassan? I've thought of it - but have no real plans for it at the moment.


Hi, just wanted to know when the next book in the Saxon series is going to be out as I want to know how Uhtred is getting on. I also wanted to say how much I enjoy your writing I was a fan before Sean Bean came on the scene !! Louise Simpson

Hi there, Just finished reading Lords of the North, and I loved it, top notch action sequences, and really enjoyable. I had thought that this was a trilogy for some reason, but it seems like you might have a few more planned, when's the next one due? Cheers Adam

Dear Mr. Cornwell: I've completed reading "Lords Of the North" and enjoyed it a great deal. I look forward to the next in this series. I hope you won't keep me waiting too long. Thank you for a most enjoyable read. Marvin Waxner

Hi, I just finished "Lords of the North". Please tell me that you have started the next in the series. Uhtred has to get Bebbanburg back and deal with his dirty, rotten, scoundrel uncle. I have thoroughly enjoyed all your Sharpe series and Grail Quest. Please keep up your incredible historical novels. Sincerely, Charles Dwyer Jackson, TN

Dear Mr Cornwell, I have just read The Last Kingdom & The Pale Horseman and have almost finished The Lords of the North and I just wanted to thank you for providing me with such a enjoyable insight into this period of our nations past. These books are truly masterful and I wanted each one to go on and on. Is it true that there will be more books published in this series ?..I do hope so ! Next I intend to read the Arthur tales and afterwards the Sharpe series. You truly have a God given talent and I look forward to spending many hours reading through all of your books. Thank you for enriching the world with your work, Andy Green


The next book in the Saxon series will be available in October of this year.


Have you ever considered writing about WWII?


No, I prefer to stick with the more distant past.


Sharpe Nut's STUPID QUESTION: Learned about PATRICK Sharpe ("son of") character from the DVD extras! Patrick Sharpe-featured in What BOOK TITLES? Their CHRONOLOGICAL order? Is Patrick in the STARBUCK SERIES or what?? Pat McHugh


Patrick Lassan, Sharpe's son, appears in the Starbuck Chronicles. The titles are Rebel, Copperhead, Battle Flag and The Bloody Ground. He also appears, as an infant, in the short story 'Sharpe's Ransom' which can be found in the short story booklet Sharpe's Christmas.